Creative Discussion using Plain Pair Groups

Creative Discussion – a key to insight and change

William Plain
Emeritus Professor, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Plain Pair Group Teaching (Plain PGT)
- for universities and schools
Plain Pair Group Discussion (Plain PGD)
- for decision making and staff development
- for informal or community creative discussion

A flash of insight is the spark of cosmic intelligence.
Small group sharing of insight can change the pattern of human intelligence. &

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Campus Creative Discussion:

New directions

Future expansion of this activity is now being considered as follows. Each student is allocated to a discussion group while leaving actual participation voluntary. An initial meeting will allow students to meet their group members. A student facilitator in each group will assist group formation and ongoing discussion and register participation.

Students are allocated to a small group of four students (mixed years – 1/2/3/4th Years) with the same student number (this is the discussion group) for example: 07..003, 08..003, 09..003, 10..003. Each student will remain in the same group over 4 years. The 2nd Year student in each ‘small-group’ is the group ‘facilitator’.

Five ‘small-groups’ are combined to form a ‘large-group’ of 20, for example 001-005 from each year, 006-010, 010-015, etc (this grouping will allow ‘small-groups’ to reorganise if too small). A post-graduate student and an exchange student can be added to each ‘large-group’.

The group discussion process can be assisted by the principal NUFS organiser and also by a department supervisor. In smaller departments, direct contact can be made with all 2nd Year facilitators in chosen classes. In larger departments, the 2nd Year member of each larger group (leading facilitator) is placed in special 2nd Year PUT classes. One member of each of these PUT classes (about 15 for the English Department for example) takes part in regular information meetings with the supervising teacher.

This hierarchical system can thus enable communication with each discussion group. The NUFS organiser will provide all necessary information to department supervisors, and will also have regular meetings with ‘top level’ facilitators in all departments to provide detailed guidance.

Possible means of encouraging participation could include: making Campus Creative Discussion a credit bearing activity; providing appropriate payment to the leading facilitators, (alternatively only this activity could be credit bearing); providing appropriate information to the teaching staff so that students are actively encouraged to participate; arranging an initial meeting with all students at the beginning of the academic year.
参加を促す方法:キャンパス・クリエーティブ・ディスカッションを単位制にする。指導的な進行役への適当な額の謝礼の支払い )( もしくはこの活動にだけ単位を与えることも考えられる)。教員への情報提供により、学生参加を促す。学期初めに全学生向けのオリエンテーションを行う。

Organisation will include: allocating students to groups; initial meeting to enable group formation; allocating 2nd Year facilitators to specific PUT classes; regular meetings with leading facilitators; early semester orientation for PUT teachers with facilitator classes; registering attendance through facilitator structure; promoting and registering second group formation (Plain Pair Group) – this could include facilitators meeting as a discussion group and inter-department groups.
編成:学生をグループに分ける;グループ構成をするための最初のミーティング;。2年次生の進行役を特定のPUTのクラスに割り当てる。指導的な進行役のための定期的なミーティング;進行役のクラスのPUT教員のための学期初めのオリエンテーション;進行役の構成によって出席者を登録する;第2グループの構成 (Plain Pair Group) を奨励し登録する- ディスカッショングループや学科間のグループとしての進行役のミーティングを含むことになるであろう。

Some teachers may choose to integrate Campus Creative Discussion into their classes by using group discussion based on the Plain Pair Group Teaching or other method. This could for example form a short introductory activity, which involves students giving small-group presentations of ideas collected from Campus discussions.
教員の中には、自らの考えで、Plain Pair Group Teachingや他の方法を用いて、キャンパスクリエイティブディスカッションと授業とを結びつける人もでてくるであろう。これは、例えば、学生にキャンパスディスカッションで得られた考えをグループ発表するという、ちょっとした導入的な活動を形作ることを可能にするであろう。


Recognition and remuneration


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